Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fate really is picking on me...

My anxiety grew stronger...

and stronger...

and stronger...


Damn... I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Of all the times I had to wake up late... I haven't taken in anything, and my senses aren't working properly because of it. That, and I can barely breathe with the people here...

You can recognize the theme here in this station- people with wigs or dyed hair, strange-to-bizarre costumes, cute creatures, serafuku... ahh... yea~ cosplay convention~~ one of the best gatherings that man has invented... if only this place can be any more breathable...And more ventilated... It's like an oven here, and I'm not even wearing my costume yet...

At this point, I knew it was 10, 15 minutes to 10:00, but it helps to be sure... So, I checked my wrist... to find no watch... Looking down at my clothes didn't cheer me up either... I look like a mess...

This day CAN'T get any worse... NO. IT CAN'T.

Then I overheard the conversation behind me...

"I have your tickets with me, guys, don't forget that~"

"Yeah, we know... Thanks for reminding, though..."

So, that's why I'm so anxious... but yea, I've already forgotten enough stuff for today, and I'm sure I put it inside my...

yeah... that didn't help... now I can't remember where I put it...

In my pocket? No...

In my wallet? No.

In my bag? NO.

I want to go RAGE right now, but CAN'T... It'd be far too embarassing to cause a commotion... With the pool of people here? No way...

YES... Fate really is picking on me...

But would Fate be picking on me if a cute girl suddenly taps my shoulders from behind and says,

"Mister, I believe this is yours~"

~Shinji Masato

Thursday, February 19, 2009

First Mission: Second Log

Time: 9:55 a.m.

My target stops in his tracks.


I must have been spotted. I need to merge with the crowd again. But I must not lose sight of him.

He's good.

Argh! The crowd! It's pushing me away from him! This is not good...

I better get on with Plan B.

Yumi Takai

Fate is picking on me...


Great... just great...

All forms of misfortune crashed down on me today: I'm speaking a HERD of black cats, a flock of crows and a corridor of ladders.

How unlucky? I got up thinking it was 8. It took me time to realize that I was holding the clock sidewards, that it was actually 9:30 already. It's NeoCon today, the anime-manga convention I've been so psyched about since last month, (yea, I'm otaku, now sue me) and it starts at 10. So, what's the rush? Lines... the excruciating queue... I'm expecting it to be a mile long now...


I'll be late for cosplay registration! So yeah, basically, it's rush time; I put random clothes on, took my stuff, and ran, having no time to even shower or look in the mirror.

I rushed towards the train station, not knowing how much time has passed since I left my apartment. I checked my left wrist for a watch, only to find no watch. Pffft... All my rushing got me forgetting the essentials. But yea, at least I have my costume. I'd go seppuku a thousand times over if I ever forget this.

And finally, I got there... In the convention? No, in the train station... Only to meet the mob... The daily mob you often encounter in train stations... the scorching atmosphere... and the noise... only, 10 times that...

And then, there's that sudden anxiety... For no apparent reason, I became cautious... Tension filled the air... Like I'm being stalked... Like my life is at stake...

I get that feeling that fate indeed is picking on me...

~Shinji Masato

First Mission

Date: February 19, 2009
Time: 9:52 AM
Location: Akihabara Train Station

I had finally arrived. I was given the exact coordinates of my destination, and an exact description of my target. I thought he would be hard to miss, but I was wrong.

I did not expect so many people here right now. Too many innocent people. I could easily risk detection from the enemies, or revealing our secret.

I could not let that happen.

And I thought they would go easy on me on my first mission.

Yumi Takai